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Seafood Ceviche

Ceviche is a dish originated in South America (Peru) that is usually served as an appetizer. It’s usually made from raw fresh fish, shrimp, or other seafood that’s marinated in lime (and/or lemon) juice. The acidity in the citrus cures the fish causing it to become...

Norwegian Seafood Soup

Norwegian Seafood Soup Ingredients 500 g Salmon 500 g Seafood Mix 200 g Cream Cheese 2 Potatoes 2 Onions 1 Carrot 1 Bell Pepper Directions С семги сварить бульон, в конце немного подсолить. Процедить бульон и вылить обратно в кастрюлю. Рыбу порвать на не очень мелкие...

Moon Palace Resorts

As you've probably noticed lately, we've been visiting the same resort in Mexico. (Actually, we go to different ones, but the hotel chain is the same). I was answering the same questions (What kind of resort it was? How did you like it there? Can you recommend going...

My Knives

From top to bottom in the picture:- SHIMATANI Aogami Damascus Yanagiba 300mm. Single-sided knife for sushi / sashimi. Blue steel. It was made to order for a long time from Japan. A thing, but it requires special care and polishing.- Dalstrong Shogun 10 "Butcher...


Let’s talk about sous vide What is it and what can you do with it? This is not a magic wand that turns an arbitrary selection of foods into a gastronomic orgasm without any effort, as many think. It is simply a cooking method in which the food is brought to a set...

Back in 1983  Mr. Leslie Shifrin from New York started a Shifrin Research Inc. company. Founded in 1983, Shifrin Research is one of the largest custom survey firms in the U.S. We are a full service market research firm. We provide: strategic consultation, research...

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